OnePlus 5 | LIVE Blog di SpazioiTech

Finalmente oggi sarà svelato al mondo il nuovo top di gamma OnePlus 5, che andrà a sostituire il fortunato OnePlus 3T, che è stato uno dei migliori smartphone del 2016.

Grazie però ai leak di ieri non c’è più nulla da svelare e già sappiamo quasi tutto sul prossimo smartphone dell’azienda cinese. In ogni caso potrete seguire la presentazione tramite il nostro live blog!!!

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Rising global leader and strategist with 5 years of experience combining academic preparation and field experience in the management of blogs and market communication aimed at creating brand awareness and product positioning. The skills that best suit me are the commitment I dedicate to all the activities I am responsible for and the ability to work together with my team driving the strategy and the content to achieve common and personal goals. Ready to help companies in brand management and products communication in order to grow a greater brand awareness in the market aimed at generating interest towards stakeholders, demonstrated by a strong co-operative collaboration with company executives and with the team, I am working with.